$98.00 AUD

Inflammation Ninja


What you'll get:

  • Lifetime access to the course - no rush to ‘get everything completed’
  • The most impactful topics to help you move the needle on inflammation from food and gut health to environmental toxins to stress, trauma, brain health and joint health. 
  • Tools, resources and further testing you could be doing to identify root causes and specific needs for moving forward in healing more effectively. 
  • 6 videos, including 5 interviews with Drs and naturopaths, including renowned functional medicine Dr Min Yeo, the late Dr Stephen Sinatra - America's first integrative cardiologist, Dr Terry Wahls, who reversed her MS and wrote the NYT Best Seller, The Wahls Protocol and more. 
  • A delicious meditation to support healthy stress response in the body. 
  • A 1-week Inflammation Ninja Meal Plan and recipe book to support an immediate reduction in inflammation through diet as you rebuild tolerance to more foods. 
  • A safe supplementation experiment guide for self-healers along with what is important to screen through a practitioner.