$98.00 AUD

Low Tox Kids


What you'll get:

  • Lifetime access to the course - no rush to ‘get everything completed’
  • 7 x practitioner interviews navigating all aspects of raising low tox kids in a high-tox world 
  • Topics that are especially focused on raising kids low tox, from home to out and about, natural remedies, stress and the top areas to focus on minimising toxic load to protect your kids. 
  • A Natural Remedies PDF
  • Advice on what to do when your family isn't on board with the way you want to raise your kids. 
  • A Baby-specific module to support your bub. 
  • Low tox shopping and resource lists for babies and kids, most useful for 0-12, to make it nice and easy to make essential swaps quickly. 
  • A lifetime knowing you kicked toxins to the curb early on in your child's life - priceless!