$39.00 AUD

Going Gluten Free

What you'll get:

  • Several videos throughout the guide with me demonstrating recipes, and talking you through the switch both practically and emotionally
  • A complete list of foods containing gluten (including those you would never suspect)
  • Simple swaps to help you ease into this new way of eating so you’re ready and prepared when faced with a decision
  • Plenty of information grounded in science on why it’s worth cutting out gluten and the the history of gluten processing that has lead us to this point
  • My top gluten-free recipes to get you started, think gluten-free sponge cake, gluten-free brownies, gluten-free bickies. All your favourites are included!
  • A list of go-to resources and podcasts to keep you motivated
  • BONUS Top 10 gluten-free lunchbox ideas